Sunday, March 23, 2008

Israeli Left's dangerous delusion

Two recent polls find a vast majority of Palestinians supporting terror attacks.

A recent Palestinian Authority poll shows that 84 percent of Palestinians approve of the massacre at Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where eight students were gunned down and ten wounded. The poll, carried out by Ramallah-based pollster Khalil Shikaki from the "Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research ", interviewed 1,270. Another interesting, but hardly surprising find was that 64 percent of Palestinians support the rocket attacks on Israeli cities and towns such as Sderot and Ashkelon launched from Hamas-controlled Gaza. Those who oppose the attacks don’t do so on moral grounds, but rather strategic considerations.

In February of last year, a Near East Consulting (NEC) poll found that 75 percent of Palestinians do not think that Israel has a right to exist.

The Left is known for not being particularly keen of cold cut facts and in-your-face data; its main line of "reasoning" has more to do with wishful thinking and "feelings" than with reality. As destructive as this can be anywhere else, in Israel, the Left infatuation with "moderate" Palestinian leaders has a very dangerous aspect which can jeopardize the very existence of the Jewish state. Nowhere else in the world is the Left illusion more dangerous to become a nation's delusion than in the State of Israel at this very moment.

Since its rebirth, 60 years ago, the modern Jewish state had to fight for its very survival, often against overwhelming odds. Faced with physical genocide, most Israeli political factions shared a common view of the perils facing the tiny state: the need for a strong military, the undivided Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital, the need for defensible borders, rejection of the so-called "right to return" and always keeping an open hand out for Peace with the Arab world.

Reminiscent of other "anti-war", intellectually dishonest and often morally bankrupt Leftists movement from other corners of the world, the Israeli Left has been influencing policy for the past 10-15 years. But if in places such as W Europe, S America or even USA, the Left influence has resulted mostly in quasi-socialist economic blunders, cowardice in face of Islamic terrorism and a general degradation of morals and religious values, in Israel, the Left ideological blindness has resulted in scores of innocent Israelis (Jews and Arabs) murdered, maimed, terrorized and frightened. The fallacies of the Israeli Left get people killed!

The Left mantra is "support the moderates". Their blind, mindless infatuation with "moderates" makes them overlook the intensive culture of hate perpetrated by the media and education establishment in the Palestinian Authority headed by the "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas. The Israeli Left and media also overlook telling people that Abu Mazen is also a Holcaust denier and would not renounce the "right of return", but again, who cares about (inconvenient) facts?

When disastrously weak and incompetent governments such as Ehud Barak's and the current one headed by Olmert take the path of the Left, men, women and children die. They die in the streets, in their homes, riding the bus or having lunch in a restaurant. No amount of after-the-fact, internationally condemned Israeli reaction will bring those innocent people back.

When is a mistake more than a mistake and becomes a CRIME? When a mistake gets people killed. And when a CRIMINAL mistake becomes a matter of policy and is repeated over and over, than the political establishment which perpetuates it is accomplice with the murderers.

Real Democracy demands accountability. There is none now in Israel. The Olmert government shares guilt for the victims of the "second" Lebanon war, the Qasam rockets and the massacre at Merkaz Ha'Rav because of its incompetence, blindness and politics that have made all these possible.

The Left and far-Left, on the other hand, is accomplice in the murders because of its intentional refuse to see the facts, thus giving the murderers its tacit acquiescence.

Every (free) country deserve the government it has. Nowhere is this more accurate than in Israel. But people should not have to pay with their lives for the demented delusions of a clique of pompous, self-important, holier-than-thou, morally bankrupt pinheads. Unlike most places in the world, in Israel, the Left has blood on its hands.

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