Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Reason put on Trial

"A Danish cartoonist and ten newspaper editors have reportedly been summoned by Jordan's public prosecutor on charges of "blasphemy" for reprinting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad."

Behind the sheer laughable stupidity of this (unfortunately) true news heading, something much more sinister is lurking. Islamo-Nazis want to put reason on trial and to punish free speech.

Western, liberal Islamic appologists will rush in to say that these are "just a few extremist elements who do not reflect all of Islam"....But unless you are willing to lie to yourself, much like they do, you know that this is not some Al-Qaeda Jordanian cell or even the fascist Muslim Brotherhood. We're talking about the public prosecutor of the (supposedly moderate, pro-western) Kingdom of Jordan! There is no more mean stream Islamic authority than that!

The "Copenhagen Post" reports that "eleven Danes have been summoned to appear before the Jordanian pubic prosecutor to answer charges of blasphemy and threatening the national peace."
According to Jordanian law, reproducing images of the Prophet Muhammad inside — or even outside the country — is illegal. In other words, not enough that free speech is illegal in Jordan (as it is in all other Arab and Islamic countries), but in the eyes of Muslims, it is illegal anywhere!
And this is not new. Remember Salman Rushdie? Remember Theo Van Gogh?

Freedom everywhere is under assault by Islam. Not just by the Islamo-Nazis (Jihaddis) but by Islam itself. "Offending" the Prophet is a capital offense in most of the Islamic world. No if, and or but. Converting one's religion from Islam is punishable by death - it's a fact and it is included in most legal codes of Islamic countries (Jordan included).

Liberals and Islamic appologists would like to fool people into thinking that the assault on Western civilization comes only from "a tiny minority of extremists who do not speak on behalf of Islam"....First of all, when is the last time that you heard anyone from the "vast majority" speak out against Islamic barbarism? The inconvenient truth is that the so-called "extremists" are acting on what Islam really stands for - total submission to the Islamic religion, no freedom and no dissent.

Every now and then some nut acts upon the threats that Islamic leaders have issued against what they perceive as "offensive" to Islam and the West gets a glimpse of the "religion of peace".

In this case, the audacity of the Jordanian authorities - to summon Danish journalists to appear in Jordan for legal proceedings, and if they refuse, to inform Interpol and seek their arrest - is not just pure idiocy. It should be seen for what it really is: a full blown attempt to extend the tentacles of the Islamic intolerance into the free world.

I have no doubt that the Danish state, the Danish people and indeed, the entire civilized world, will snub this "request" and treat it with its deserved contempt. But one cannot overlook the danger looming behind these facts and recognize that we are faced with an offensive of barbarism which only starts with the Jews and the intelectuals, but left unchallenged, it can destroy our civilization.

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