Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Obama visits Israel

After following the lead of John McCain, Obama decided to actually visit some of the places he talks about while in Washington or on the campaign trail. His much publicized trip to the Middle East is not a fact finding mission (as his entourage would like you to believe) but a confirmation of his long-held beliefs, combined with a media tour and photo ops.

The fact that 3 major network personalities are accompanying him on this tour while none cared to join John McCain on his (many) previous tours to the Middle East, should come as no surprise by now. The main media has clearly abandoned what little of their integrity they still had and are in the tank for Obama all the way. One of the most shameless, The New York Times, refused to publish an op-ed by McCain in response to one of Obama's published a week before.

So what are we to take from Obama's fact-confirming-believes tour?

First and fore most that he lacks no chutzpah. Although he hasn't been elected President and while in his short time in the Senate, has accomplished close to nothing, Hussein is acting "presidential", talking as if he's been in the White House for years. And the media is only too happy to perpetrate this farce.
When asked about his meetings, Obama Hussein answered that "these are leaders with which I will work for the next 10 years"(!!!) Maybe someone should remind him that first and foremost, he is just the Junior Senator from Illinois, that he is NOT the President and even if he was to get elected....twice....he'd still not be in the White House for 10 years! Oh, and while they're at it, they should also remind him that the US is composed of 50 (that's fifty!) states and not 57.

Second, Obama would like people to forget that he was a staunch opponent to the surge of troops in Iraq, which is widely credited for stabilizing the country and dramatically reducing the number of our casualties, the number of Iraqi casualties and the virtual defeat of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. How? By diverting the attention to Afghanistan where he intends to take political advantage of a recent surge in Taliban activities.

Third, Obama understands that perception is 90% of reality and takes fool advantage of the media. His photo ops with Maliki, Karzai and Peres are meant to account for his thin resume and even thinner foreign policy experience.

Playing to his far left anti-war base, Obama cannot steer too far to the center without alienating those loons. He may talk tough on Iraq and Afghanistan but in fact his planned withdrawal from Iraq is just dust in the eyes of the far left. He intends to move the same troops to Afghanistan before making sure that the job in Iraq has been completed.
He may sound as if Israel's security is important to him, but when in talking to Arab leaders he belittles the same Israeli concerns and tries to draw a moral parallel between Israel's self defense and the Palestinian homicide attacks. He is a hypocrite and all of the ABC, NBC and CBS in the world cannot paint him otherwise. Consider this: when McCain visited Israel, he was accompanied by Joe Liberman, a staunch supporter of Israel. Obama is accompanied by Chuck Hagel, one of the most anti-Israel politicians, the guy who refused to sign a petition branding Hizballah as a terrorist organization. Obama can visit Sderot and Yad Vashem as many times as he wants. His true character he will never be able to hide and people should not be fooled by the images fabricated by ABC, NBC or CBS.

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