Thursday, March 6, 2008

Americans’ Most and Least Favored Nations

  • Gallup had conducted a "2008 World Affairs" survey, trying to find out which countries do Americans see favorably and which fare the worse in our perception.
    The dry statistical data shows that out of 22 countries, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan win favor with at least 80% of Americans, while Iraq, the Palestinian Authority, North Korea, and Iran are viewed favorably by no more than 20%. Israel receives a 71% favorable rating, ranking 5th on the top list.

    In itself, the poll shows that Israel is viewed favorably by most Americans, but that's not the whole picture.

As they say, "the Devil is in the details":

  • Israel (...) is viewed more favorably by Republicans than by Democrats.
  • Younger adults are also more likely than those 55 and older to have favorable views of France, Egypt, Mexico, Kenya, Venezuela, Cuba, the Palestinian Authority, North Korea, and Iran.

In other words, more Democrats are likely to view Israel unfavorably, while more of the young population is inclined to be apologetic towards pariahs such as Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, Castro's Cuba, Kim Jong Il's N. Korea and Hamas-dominated Palestinian Authority...Not too rosy a picture, is it?

The details of the poll confirm the trend in the Democratic Party, of distancing itself from its commitment to Israel. Note to Jewish voters: "Wake up! The Democratic Party is not your father's Democratic Party anymore." It's being influenced more and more by a hard left wing whose views on Israel and pro-Palestinian sympathies are starting to reflect through the Party's members.

On the young generation, the growing influence of vicious far-left propaganda is not only turning them into Bush-o-phobics, anti-Capitalist, pro-Anarchists, morally relativist pinheads. They are sympathising with the enemies of this country (Cuba, Venezuela) and the enemies of Western civilization (N. Korea, PA)! Harry Belafonte's and Hollywood dopes visiting and embracing Hugo Chavez are not lost on many misguided youngsters. About N. Korea they don't know much, but if the Bush Administration calls them a "terrorist nation", they surely need some support. And the Palestinians are, of course, oppressed by the US-backed Israeli war machine and it's only natural that they would strap bombs on themselves and blow themselves up in buses and pizza parlors...any one would do the same, wouldn't they? Yuk!....

Bob Grant, the legendary talk show host, had a say: "It's sick out there and it's getting sicker".

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