Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's apologetical speech

For all the hype surrounding Obama's supposed transcendent understanding of race relations in America, his speech yesterday exposed him for being an apologetic for black racism and hate mongering and not an accountable leader.

Flip-flopping on whether he was present in church at the time crazy Jeremiah's anti-American, anti-Israel, racist rants, Obama finally had to admit that he indeed was there when "controversial" and "occasionally fierce" critics were spewed by an enraged lunatic from the pulpit.

The fact that he did not promptly leave the place upon hearing Wright's poisonous nonsense is either because of poor judgement or acceptance of what was said (or both). In either case, this is not a man who should be entrusted with the highest office in the land. He's proven that he is not the "Great Unifier" his cohorts of groupies would like to portray. He cannot be a President for all Americans when his mentor and spiritual "adviser" is a racist and a promoter of "black liberation theology".

Michelle Malkin eloquently summarized Obama's speech: "Instead of accountability, we got excuses. Instead of disavowal of demagoguery, we got whacked with the moral equivalence card. Instead of rejecting the Blame America mantra of left-wing black nationalism, we
got more Blame Whitey. Same old, same old."

In his quest to distort the truth so it will fit his perception of reality, Obama dares to draw a parallel between the despicable, foul-mouthed pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ, and "your pastor, priest or rabbi". Without knowing you, me or the vast majority of Americans, he states that you too have been appalled at times by statements made by your clergy....How dare he? What gives him the right to assume that just because his pastor spews invectives at his country - for 20 years - so is your priest or rabbi? Left unanswered, the shamelessness knows no boundaries.

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